Speaking Engagement Portfolio

Speaking Portfolio

Mohammad Bahareth Speaking Portfolio

1. Introduction 

Mohammad Bahareth
Motivational Speaker | Keynote Speaker | Dyslexic and ADHD Advocate | Goal Achievement Expert | Bahareth Method™ Innovator | Goal Model Canvas© Developer

Mohammad Bahareth is a pioneering motivational speaker and an advocate for Dyslexia and ADHD awareness. Known for his innovative approaches to goal achievement, he is the creator of the Bahareth Method™ and the Goal Model Canvas©. His work, recognized by Forbes Middle East and other prestigious institutions, bridges the gap between theory and practice, offering unique insights driven by his personal experiences and dyslexic thinking.


  • Anchored in resilience, emphasizing the ability to overcome challenges and setbacks. This value underscores the determination to persist in the face of adversity, a theme evident in my journey of overcoming dyslexia and achieving success.

Positivity and Optimism:

  • Positivity and optimism serve as guiding lights for my brand. These values permeate my narrative, emphasizing the transformative power of thinking positively. My brand embodies the belief that a positive mindset can lead to personal growth, success, and the ability to inspire positive change in others.


  • Empowerment is a central principle of my brand, manifested in my literary works, motivational speaking, and advocacy initiatives. My commitment to unlocking the potential within myself and others reflects a core value of empowering individuals to overcome challenges and achieve lasting success.


  • The spirit of innovation drives my brand’s actions and decisions. From publishing over 50 books to embracing digital platforms and spearheading initiatives like the Arabian Space Initiative, my brand thrives on creative thinking and a forward-looking approach to making a positive impact.


  • Inclusivity is a core value that shapes my brand’s initiatives, particularly in challenging societal norms with initiatives like “Allow Youth.” This principle underscores a commitment to fostering a more inclusive and equitable society, breaking down barriers and promoting understanding.

Environmental Stewardship:

  • My brand is guided by a commitment to environmental responsibility. Advocacy for the prohibition of soda cans with removable covers is a tangible expression of this value, reflecting a dedication to sustainability and contributing to positive change for the planet.

Education and Knowledge Sharing:

  • Education and knowledge sharing are fundamental values for my brand. Pursuing courses at renowned institutions and actively engaging in seminars and digital platforms demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning. My brand serves as a source of inspiration and knowledge dissemination for others.

Social Impact:

  • Social impact is a driving force behind my brand’s initiatives. Whether through dyslexia awareness, empowerment programs, or space exploration endeavors, my brand seeks to create a positive and lasting impact on individuals and society as a whole.


  • Authenticity is a guiding principle, shaping the way my brand presents itself to the world. My story, experiences, and the personal touch I bring to my endeavors reflect a commitment to staying true to myself and maintaining an authentic connection with my audience.

Leadership and Trailblazing:

  • Leadership and a trailblazing spirit are inherent in my brand. Recognition as one of Forbes Middle East’s influential icons and the pursuit of groundbreaking initiatives like the Arabian Space Initiative underscore my brand’s role as a leader and innovator in my field.

2. Speaking Topics

  • Empowering Challenges: The Dyslexic Advantage
    Unlock the unique strengths of dyslexia and ADHD to transform obstacles into opportunities for success.
  • The Bahareth Method™: Mastering Goal Achievement
    Explore the innovative Goal Model Canvas©, designed to revolutionize how you set and achieve your goals.
  • Innovation Through Adversity: The Power of Dyslexic Thinking
    Discover how dyslexic thinking fosters groundbreaking insights and drives success in business and life.
  • Strategic Vision: Setting Goals for Business Success
    Gain powerful insights into strategic planning and goal setting, driving sustainable business growth.
  • Leadership and Entrepreneurship: Wisdom from a Dyslexic Pioneer
    Draw inspiration from Mohammad’s journey to ignite leadership and entrepreneurial spirit.

4. Workshops and Training

Details about workshops that cover topics like goal setting, overcoming learning challenges, and innovation through adversity. Each workshop is tailored to meet the needs of diverse audiences, ensuring that participants leave with actionable insights.

5. Testimonials

  • Mufid Al-Nuwasr
    Presenter of the program “Min Al Sifr,” MBC Group
    “I am fully convinced that your writing abilities are exceptional. I noticed this on several occasions when I read your posts on Facebook and saw how skillfully you engage readers.”
  • Bassam Fetini
    Executive Director, Expert Relations
    “Mohammad Bahareth is a remarkable figure in the fields he is passionate about, such as writing, space, and entrepreneurship. He is a treasure of knowledge and a repository of experience and professionalism. Overcoming dyslexia, he became an ambassador for raising awareness about it. Do not ask him about time because he loves to give; he never tires and never gives up, serving as a source of inspiration and encouragement to all who know him. He is committed to the law and has a deep love for following the state’s regulations, advising others to do the same. With all that said, I highly recommend working with him, as he executes his contracts with precision and seriousness.”
  • Bruce Boxleitner
    American Actor, known for his role in “Babylon 5” , “Heroes” and “TRON”
    “You are a one-man army, and I am grateful for your contributions to the revival of the Babylon 5 series.”
  • Osama Natto
    “Many people have preconceived notions about Mohammad Bahareth, but once you sit with him and get to know him personally, you realize how knowledgeable he is and how innovative and ahead of the curve his ideas are.”
  • Abdulmunim Al-Dakheel
    Business Development Consultant
    “Mohammad possesses a great talent for client communication. He excels in understanding all governmental roles and works closely with the Vision 2030 plan. His personality is suited for high-level government roles, such as a minister or diplomat. I am confident I will see him soon in a governmental position.”
  • Osama Sarhan
    Public Relations Expert
    “There is a fine line between genius and madness, and geniuses are always accused of madness. As for me, I see you as a genius with madness, ahead of your time, with ideas and visions coming from the future.”
  • Steve Wozniak
    Co-founder of Apple Inc.
    “Mohamed Bahareth is an exceptional individual who possesses a unique ability to think outside of the box. Despite facing challenges with dyslexia, Mohamed’s creativity and unique perspective make him a valuable asset in any field. Like Steve Jobs, who also had dyslexia and co-founded Apple Computers with me, I believe in Mohamed’s remarkable abilities and potential to make a significant impact. Take it from me, the Woz.”
  • Kevin O’Leary
    Entrepreneur, Investor, and TV Personality (“Mr. Wonderful” from Shark Tank)
    “Mohammed, Mr. Wonderful here, checking in to congratulate you and support you, but also to commend what you’ve achieved, in spite of hardship, because I understand exactly what we’re talking about. I, too, have dyslexia. So, it doesn’t hold back your potential. You’re living proof of it. In fact, dyslexia, I don’t consider to be a curse. I think it’s a gift. It makes you work harder, stay more focused, and deliver on your objectives. That’s the whole idea. I think you’re a true visionary who’s overcome these challenges, along with everybody else with dyslexia, and you’re supporting them by showing them you can do it. That’s what matters. That’s what motivates me, and I think it motivates you, and I congratulate you. Keep up the great work, my friend. Take care.”


  • Sheikh. Saleh Kamel (RIP)
    Businessman, Founder of Dallah Al Baraka Group
    “I am pleased to meet an ambitious Saudi youth with extensive and comprehensive knowledge. May Allah guide you to what He loves and is pleased with.”


6. Awards and Recognitions

  • 2nd Inspirational person in Saudi Arabia , ELMAM Center ( 2014 )
  • Top 100 twitter users in MENA list Forbes Middle East ( 2011 )
  • 6th Most influential Author in Saudi Arabia ELMAM Center ( 2014 )
  • Wagensberg Award ( 2019 ) 
  • Recognition From MBR Space Center ( 2016 )
  • Money 2.0 Leadership Awards ( 2022 )
  • HRC International Recognition ( 2021 )
  • Global Recognition Awards ( 2023 )
  • Jeddah Award for Creativity (2022)
  • Business Consultant of the Year (2023)

7. Publications

  • Author of Over 50 Books
    Including the globally acclaimed Sherlock Holmes 2012 series.
  • 101 Hadrami Laws of Trade: Secret Laws Revealed for the first time !
    ISBN-10: 0368990702
    ISBN-13: 978-0368990709
  • Micronations: For Those Who Are Tired of Existing Incompetent Governments and Are Longing for Something New and Refreshing
    ISBN-10: 1462069266
    ISBN-13: 978-1462069268
  • Sherlock Holmes in 2012: Timeless Duel (Kindle Edition)
    ASIN: B0792WXQDJ
  • Sherlock Holmes in 2012: Lord of Darkness Rising (Kindle Edition)
    ASIN: B0792X7M31
  • Sherlock Holmes in 2012: Countdown to Doomsday (Kindle Edition)
    ASIN: B0792YC1FS
  • The Arabian Timekeeper: A Tale of Time and Reality
    ISBN: 979-8331237707
  • The Desert Warrior’s Quest: A Battle for the Freedom of the Galaxy
    ASIN: B0BQY28942
  • Space: The Final Frontier: What Happens When Humanity Expands into Space?
    ASIN: B0B3KBB34F
  • Living With Dyslexia: How to Understand your Learning Disability
    ASIN: B0B48GYH87
  • Advertising and Commercials Commission
  • Love is the Biggest lie the world has told
  • 33 Laws to live your life with gratitude and happiness
  • My Experiments with the law of attraction
  • Kings of the Internet: What You Don’t Know About Them ?
    • Articles in Inc. Arabia
      Covering topics on entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation.
  • Articles in Okaz
  • Articles in Alwatan Newspaper
  • Articles in Al-Roeya
  • Articles in Sabq Online Newspaper
  • Articles in Makkah Newspaper
  • Articles in CNN Arabic
    Covering topics on entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation.
  • Articles in Inc. Arabia
    Covering topics on entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation.
  • Articles in Medium:
    “People With Dyslexia in International Relations, Politics, and Diplomacy”
    “The First Steps of Entrepreneurship”
    “Pivoting in Startups: When and How to Do It”
    “Investing in Startups: What You Need to Know”
    “Geo-Discrimination: The Legal Form of Discrimination”
    “Dyslexia Symptoms to Watch Out For”
    “Dyslexia is a Condition That You Should Not Be Afraid Of”
    “Misleading Symptoms of Dyslexia”
    “A Call to All Young Entrepreneurs: Leverage for Your Small Home-Based Business

8. Past Speaking Engagements

    • TEDxJeddah 2013
      Audience: 1000+
      Topic: Overcoming Dyslexia and Innovation
  • King Salman Center for Youth – 2013
    Audience: 20+
    Topic: Social Media Strategy
  • Jeddah Municipality – 2016
    Audience: 100+
    Topic: Entrepreneurship Technology and food trucks
  • King Abdullah University for Science and Technology – KAUST – 2014
    Audience: 30+
    Topic: Design Thinking
  • Made By Saudi Symposium – 2022
    Audience : 1000+
    Topic : Leveraging Success
  • APD – 2022
    Audience : Government Department Representatives
    Topic : Improving Quality of services for Dyslexics
  • Saudi Export Development Authority – 2022
    Audience : Government Department Representatives
    Topic : Future of Business innovation 
  • Effat University – 2011
    Audience : 200+
    Topic : Readers for the Future
  • Dar Al-Hekma University -2014
  • Audience : 1000+
    Topic : Overcoming Dyslexia 
  • King Abdulaziz University Science endowment – 2014
    Audience : 50+
    Topic : Making the Next Cultural Platform – workshop
  • Entrepreneurship Hub – KAEC 2016
    Audience : 50+
    Topic : the Value of of Entrepreneurship
  • Dallah Volunteering Academy – 2016
    Audience : 50+
    Topic : Quality in Volunteering

9. Media Appearances


قناة العربية (Alarabiya TV Channel)

  • Discussion on the decline in profitability of Saudi companies (2016)
  • Arab volunteers in a one-way space mission to Mars (2013)
  • Segment on Dyslexia Awareness (2021)

قناة الحرة (Alhurra)

  • Saudi campaign for organ donation post-mortem (2013) 

MBC (Middle East Broadcasting Center)

  • Interview on “Panorama FM” – Discussion on unique skills education 
  • Segment on “صباح العربية” – Arab youth volunteering for a one-way mission to Mars  

قناة الآن (Alaan TV) 

  • Segment on Marriage in newer times
  • Segment on Allow Youth initiative
  • Segment on Dyslexia Awareness

قناة روتانا خليجية (Rotana Khalejia)

  • Segment on Work Related Accidents and policy reform
  • Segment on Dyslexia Awareness

قناة الثقافية (Saudi Cultural Channel)

  • Segment on Book “كتاب 101 قرار عندما أصبح وزيرا” 
  • Interview during Jeddah Book Fair  
  • Segment on Allow Youth initiative
  • Segment on Dyslexia Awareness

قناة المجد (Al Majd TV)

  • Discussion on privacy concerns and mobile spyware
  • Campaign to boycott fast food Security Watch
  • Segment on Saudi Vision 2030  

قناة بي بي اس الأمريكية (PBS)

  • Segment on Dyslexia and learning Disabilities  

قناة روسيا اليوم (RT_Arabic)

  • Segment on King Salman visit to Russia  

القناة العربية لشبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CCTV)

  • Segment on Chinese Space Program

Radio: Guest spots on popular radio shows. 

  • Alif-Alif FM
  • Jeddah FM
  • MBC FM
  • Panorama FM
  • Mix FM

Podcasts: Features on influential podcasts.

  • CTO Show with Mehmet

Newspapers & Magazines : 

  1. Arab News – Featured multiple times in articles discussing various aspects of your work and initiatives, including the Dyslexia Awareness Initiative and your innovative contributions to Saudi Arabia.
  2. CNN Arabic – Published opinion pieces and articles highlighting your views on entrepreneurship and innovation in Saudi Arabia.
  3. HuffPost – Your feature on achieving a Guinness World Record by sending the first tweet to space.
  4. TEDxJeddah – You participated as a speaker, addressing challenges faced by the Arab world and sharing insights on innovation and positive change.
  5. The National News – Covered your role in fostering interest in the space sector through space clubs in Saudi Arabia.
  6. Wikitia – A comprehensive profile highlighting your accomplishments, including your literary works, initiatives, and awards.
  7. Newsfile Corp – Featured in an article discussing your recognition at the Global Recognition Awards 2023.
  8. Yahoo Finance – Discussed your recent achievements and contributions to the business and innovation sectors.
  9. Anghami – Your profile and musical endeavors were featured on Anghami.
  10. IMDB – Your contributions to various media, including the space initiative documentaries and your creative projects, are listed on your IMDB profile.
  11. Medium – Regularly contribute articles on various topics, including dyslexia, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
  12. Menafn – Covered your Dyslexia Awareness Initiative and its growing impact in the Middle East.
  13. Sayidaty Magazine – Recognized your achievements in multiple articles, including your win at the Jeddah Awards and your ongoing initiatives.
  14. Al Arabiya – Featured in news articles discussing your perspectives on various societal issues and initiatives you support.
  15. Okaz Newspaper – Regularly mentioned in articles, especially related to cultural and societal contributions in Saudi Arabia.
  16. Global Recognition Awards – Celebrate your win at the Global Recognition Awards in 2023, highlighting your contributions and innovations.

Al-Madina Newspaper:

  • Article about empowering youth and their aspirations

Al-Riyadh Newspaper:

  • Article about the launch of the “Youth Economy and Prosperity” program
  • Article discussing challenges faced by people with learning disabilities

Permits & Licenses :

•     Mawthouq Advertising Permit – Individual Advertising: No. 773578 – General Authority for Media Regulation

Media Professionals License: No. 648716 – General Authority for Media Regulation (Writer – Presenter – Journalist – News Analyst)

Content Creation Podcast Permit: No. 439984 – General Authority for Media Regulation

Electronic Publishing Permit: No. 493884 – Ministry of Media

Public Relations Permit: FL-714168822 – Freelance.sa  Government Platform

Business and Economic Affairs Networks Permit: FL-844482247 – Freelance.sa  Government Platform

Home Caregiver Permit for the Elderly, Children, and People with Special Needs: FL-677424890 – Freelance.sa Government Platform

Ma’roof registration : No. 246033 – Ministry of Commerce

FAL Real Estate Brokerage and Marketing License: No. 1100031381 – General Real Estate Authority

Productive families Registration Certificate: No. 2192119 – Issued by the Social Development Bank



  • 👥 Member of the Forbes Business Council
  • ✍️ Member of the Opinion Writers Association
  • 🌍 Member of the International Dyslexia Association
  • 🎗️ Honorary Member of the Charity Association for Learning Difficulties
  • 👥 Member of the Consumer Protection Association

10. Booking Information

📞 Phone: [+966115208350]
🌐 Website: mohammadbahareth.com